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seznam témat -> Historical Medieval Battles Major League

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Natalia_UA 06. říjen 2010 14:35:15
Dear colleagues-reenactors!
We are glad to inform you that on the basis of the project “Battle of the Nations” world Historical Medieval Battles Major League has been created. It presents historical medieval battle as brand-new elite world kind of extreme sport ( Major League consists of the best world reenactors who are not only engaged in making arms and armor replicas but also use them in fierce full contact historical medieval battle which is regulated by the strict rules and principles of results estimation. At this point world Historical Medieval Battles Major League consists of the best fighters-representatives of the living history movement from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Poland.
We suggest forming the National team of your country comprised of at least 8 fighters in order to present your country in general and the best club fighters of your country in particular. We as the organizers of the international project “Battle of the Nations” and the coordinators of world Historical Medieval Battles Major League will be happy to give you any help and support in preparation: to share the experience, to give advice or a consultation, to come personally if needed in order to set connections and support in organization of the National team in your country. Several countries have already set the ball rolling. Do enter the world rating of the National teams and clubs and join world Historical Medieval Battles Major League! Take part in Major League, show what the National team of your country is worth!

Best regards,

The project “Battle of the Nations” organizers:
international project coordinator Natalia Trubnikova
+38 050 2856733
chief project organizer Anton Trubnikov
+38 096 2330504

The project site:
Jiří z Holohlav 06. říjen 2010 15:31:25
Chromium 06. říjen 2010 15:53:43
Pise ze nas zve abysme si taky vytvorili narodni tym (alespon 8mi clenny) a zucastnili se ligy "Bitva Narodu" coby zcela novyho extremniho sportu. Zaroven nabizi predavani zkusenosti, osobni setkani a pomoc s organizaci. S tim ze uz maj ohlas i v dalsich zemich.
Chromium 06. říjen 2010 15:55:32
Jiří z Holohlav(06. říjen 2010 17:31:25) : Teda predpokladam ze ten otaznik znamenal "nerozumim, prelozit" a ne "rozumim, ale nechapu" :)
Jiří z Holohlav 06. říjen 2010 16:17:07
Chromium(06. říjen 2010 17:55:32) : Jo,děkuji - rozuměl jsem ,ale nedostatečně.Počítám ,že to znamená ,že Polský a Ruský hardy dostaly úřední hlavičku. Škoda,to už nedám,leda jako technická podpora neba rezerva pro nouzi nejvyšší.I když při těch strašlivých dálkách i to těžko.
No,ale třeba bude i nějaký okresní kolo kousek za hranicí :-)
Je třeba držet krok s Evropou ...
